Anytime there is a transaction where money is lent between individuals or entities, a promissory note should always be executed by the lender and borrower.
A promissory note is a written contract between individuals or entities that governs ...
After three years of litigation, we were recently awarded a dental malpractice lawsuit settlement against an oral surgeon with respect to his treatment of our client and the oral surgeon’s placement of dental implants into our client’s lower ...
[caption id="attachment_1844" align="aligncenter" width="630"] Photographer: Patrick T. Fallon/Bloomberg via Getty Images[/caption]
In Whole Foods Market, Inc. and United Food and Commercial Workers, 363 NLRB No. 8 (2015), the National Labor ...
Labor and employment law is an ever evolving field; this CLE presented by Glenn Franklin and Jasmine Patel offered the latest updates and development in both local and federal laws, including information on independent contractors, paid sick leave ...
Through aggressively pursuing litigation and judgment enforcement proceedings, we recently collected more than $38,000 for a business client of ours.
The defendant debtor failed to appear in the lawsuit we commenced, which then lead to a ...
A client in the construction industry had a Workers’ Compensation Judgment in the amount of $78,000.00 and a penalty of $353,000.00, for a total of $431,000.00 due to the Workers’ Compensation Board for violations of the Workers Compensation Law ...
We recently settled a personal injury matter for one of our clients who was seriously injured when an elevator he was riding in malfunctioned. As a result of his injuries, he was caused to miss time from work and lose earnings as a ...
Judgment vacated against client who was improperly served with lawsuit
In order for a Court to be able to enter a judgment against a person, that person must be properly served with a summons and complaint in accordance with New York’s ...
Ken Sutak, of counsel to our firm, recently oversaw the successful completion of nearly five years of complex litigation between the publisher of Antique Doll Collector magazine and a banned advertiser in the magazine who filed suit under the ...